Is Homeschooling for You?
Updated: 4 days ago
Well, it's July 2020 and the world is quite different now than it was this time last year. Actually, it's much different than just five months ago! There seems to be several "camps" developing:
"We are going to protect our family and others by diligently wearing masks, staying physically distant, keeping away from any type of gathering...and away from people who don't."
"We will wear masks when required - no harm, no foul - respect those who do or don't, and hang out with whoever is OK with it. Not really worrying, either way."
"We disagree with the mandate that we HAVE to wear masks. We think it's unnecessary, as we are fine, and are just ready for everything to open back up again."
Wherever you find yourself identifying is totally all right!
We're not here to judge. YOU just need to be aware of how you're feeling! So, if you identify most clearly with the first group, you are probably already sure you're going to do school at home. But, you may be worrying about how it's going to look or how it could even work in your world.
This article aims to help clarify IF homeschooling or schooling at home IS for your family or not. But, it is NOT going to try to sell you the "best" curriculum or tell you how to effortlessly transition or "make you" feel bad if you don't or can't or won't homeschool your children. That's just not our way!
Understand that the LOCATION of where learning happens is not what defines "homeschooling." Because the school in which your child is enrolled (public, private, or charter) must hold to state standards and requirements - including hours, attendance, and course work - using these schools to "distance learn from home" is quite different than actual homeschooling. This is probably what you experienced from March until the end of the school year. If you are regularly working outside the home, this may be what is best for your family. Just be aware that you won't have the freedom to choose your curriculum or days and times of school...but you also don't have to research, pay, and plan for your child's curriculum or keep grades on your own!
Legal homeschooling is when a child is withdrawn from the school district - in Nevada that requires completing the "Notice of Intent" to homeschool - and then the parent assumes all responsibility for their child's education. I've heard it described like this: You were just awarded complete legal and physical custody of your children and ALL their educational needs are now up to YOU ALONE to meet in the way you feel is best for each of them. YOU research, choose, and pay for your own curriculum. YOU decide how much time you are going to spend on each topic. YOU decide what your children need to graduate. Most homeschool high schoolers take similar classes as many move on to college. And there are lots of resources online and groups on Facebook to help you find a curriculum that's just the right fit for your children and family. In Nevada, we are blessed to have the right to enroll our children in our zoned school sports, activities, or extra classes (like ROTC, drivers education, or foreign language) without any additional testing regulations or requirements. For more support on this, check out: Rise Resource Center
God gave YOU your children. YOU may not have planned for them, but God certainly did! You being a parent to your exact children was allowed by God for His glory and for your joy! Therefore, it is YOUR responsibility - and I believe great honor - to care for and ensure they are well educated in the ways of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9 reads:
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
However, to follow this edict does not mean that you must homeschool your kids OR that you must send them to school. We are each uniquely created with different gifts! It only depends on what God is calling YOUR FAMILY to. So, take some time and really search God's will in this. You may want to consider these questions: Do you NEED to work outside of the home? Do you WANT to? What does your spouse need from you? What do you need from your spouse? What would work best for YOUR family dynamics, taking into consideration the ages and stages of each of your children? If you want to hear about our personal homeschooling journey, check it out here.
NONE of this is easy for ANY of us! So, let's build each other up rather than tearing each other down, shall we? Homeschooling, Distance Learning, Physical Schooling.... Thankfully, we can all choose what works best for our families right now. Let's support each other in making these hard decisions.
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
#ConnectPointMoms helps you create stronger relational connections with the children in your life. This starts with being aware of your own stuff so you can BE PRESENT with your children in the moment you're in, and then knowing and using the best ways to communicate with them!
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